Saturday, June 10, 2023


I owe my deepest thanks to several hundred people who, despite my lackadaisical approach to this political and social blog have continued to check in on it from time to time every month, apparently to see if, perhaps, I’ve quit messing around and gotten back to work. It’s humbling to see that, even though I consistently disappoint, a handful of people—actually a couple of handfuls—per day are dropping by, even when weeks or months pass without my uttering a syllable. I figure they are either going back and checking out old entries they might have missed, or, perhaps, they are simply keeping the faith by sticking their proverbial head in the door, seeing the lights are still out, and quietly leaving.

Again, my humblest of apologies.

That said, whether they love or hate what I write (few are indifferent) about the contemporary political and social scene, trying to provide an independent viewpoint beyond partisan lines, they are consistent in their apparent desire for me to keep covering these subjects because if not, the hits this “other blog” of mine gets would dwindle to zero, and that simply doesn’t happen. Ever.

Why? Because they are right to keep coming back in that I never seem to be able to kick the news habit I acquired in twenty years of professional journalism, when I was a much younger man. And like so many other addicts, no matter how old I get, I eventually fall off the wagon and start editorializing again. I seem unable to help it. It’s like an itch I can never completely scratch, and never quite reach.

So, in the end, there’s nothing for it—no matter how much I might want to bury my press card forever and devote myself entirely to my “normal” literary efforts and to my Southern Yankee blog—but to admit that I’ll always be stimulated by current events. And worse still—and to the chagrin of many—I’ll never be able to just shut-up and keep my opinions and observations to myself.

It’s an itch way more powerful than I am. So stay tuned. As the Terminator might say, I’ll be back.


Anonymous said...

Except if anyone posts something that goes against what you THINK is right. Then you either ghost or block their emails rather than be an adult and have conversations. Who knows, you might see the facts presented and actually change your mind. Grow up or grow a set.

Dan Newland said...

Good morning No-Name.
I usually don't publish senseless, pointless, vitriolic comments like yours, since they are ad hominem attacks that have nothing to do with subjects being discussed and everything to do with simple ugliness. If you come with an argument against my political stances, it will always be published uncensored, and, if I deem it worthy of a response, it'll be answered. But this particular rant of yours says a lot more about you than it does about me since the one being a puerile, name-calling grumbler here is you. My philosophy is always to be ready to change my mind, and, particularly, to consistently question my own learned-by-rote values, where facts prove me wrong. That's part of my profession as a journalist and also part of being liberal.
Clearly, however, a baseless, harassing, fatuous comment like yours is totally ineffective in changing anybody's mind about anything, and least of all mine.
Let me close by saying that I find it utterly ludicrous that someone so cowardly as to post an insult such as this one anonymously would have the unmitigated gall to tell someone else to "grow a pair." Maybe you should look in a mirror--I mean, if you actually cast a reflection.