Friday, October 25, 2024



The Philadelphia Inquirer today officially announced its endorsement of Kamala Harris for president.

This is huge, in terms of media endorsement in a crucial swing state. The Inquirer was founded in 1847 and is one of Pennsylvania's oldest and most influential periodicals. It is also ranked among the most influential papers in the country. This fact is supported by its having won TWENTY Pulitzer Prizes for journalistic excellence since 1975.

In announcing its endorsement of the Harris-Walz ticket, the paper's editorial board pulled no punches in listing its reasons.

These are the same reason that I have voted for Kamala Harris and why I don't think this election is simply a matter of political choice or "differences of opinion".

This election is quite simply about the choice between democracy or tyranny, and my objective reasons for saying that are precisely the same as The Inquirer's reasons for throwing their paper's support behind Kamala.

Here are the reasons they gave for their endorsement:

"Voters face an easy but tectonic choice in the race for the White House.

“Will they choose the first woman or the oldest man to be the next president?

“Will they choose the prosecutor or the convict?

“Will they choose the candidate who supports restoring Roe v. Wade, or the man who bragged about overturning it?

“Will they choose the candidate with a tax plan to help the middle class or the one who wants to help the superrich?

“Will they choose the candidate who backs a tough bipartisan immigration law or the guy who killed the measure?

“Will they choose the candidate who wants to combat climate change or the one who thinks it is a hoax?

“Will they choose the candidate who upholds the peaceful transfer of power or the one who summoned a violent mob to attack the U.S. Capitol?

“Will they choose the candidate who stands up to Vladimir Putin or the one who said Russia could do ‘whatever the hell they want?’

“Will they choose the candidate who champions education, health care for all, and sensible gun safety laws, or the person who wants to close the U.S. Department of Education, repeal Obamacare, and told supporters after a school shooting to ‘get over it?’

“Will they choose the candidate who supports the working class or the one who is anti-union and opposed raising the minimum wage?

“Will they choose a woman of color who wants to unite the country, or a man with a history of misogynistic, racist, and divisive comments and actions?

“Will they choose the candidate who supports LGBTQ rights or the one who wants to roll back protections for the gay community?

“Will they choose the candidate who will uphold the presidential oath, or the one who was impeached twice for high crimes and misdemeanors, profited from the White House, dangled pardons to cronies, and was indicted four times?

“This baker’s dozen list could go on, but the choice is clear and obvious.

“Vice President Kamala Harris wants to help all Americans.

“Donald Trump wants to help himself.

“That is why The Inquirer endorses Kamala Devi Harris to be the 47th president of the United States.”


Monday, September 9, 2024


Dick Cheney, the country’s oldest living vice president, and an ultra-conservative icon of the pre-Trumpian GOP far-right, this past week announced that he will be voting for liberal Democrat Kamala Harris for president. His reason? He feels the other candidate, Donald Trump, simply poses too grave a danger to democracy and the republic to vote for him.

Dick Cheney - Trump greatest threat in history

Although Cheney has been an open critic of Trump’s ever since the January Sixth Insurrection of 2021—as has his ticket-mate, former President George W. Bush—until now, he has remained circumspect about the stance of his daughter, former Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, who has made it clear that there was no way she would vote for her party’s presidential ticket if Donald Trump was heading it. She too recently announced that she was voting for Harris, despite her and Harris’s starkly juxtaposed policy positions.

In the case of both father and daughter, and despite both being dyed-in-the-wool conservatives, they posit that there are times when patriotism requires placing nation above party. Both are the staunchest of true Republicans. Although there had been speculation that Liz Cheney might eventually join other never-Trump conservatives in forming a third party, this never materialized and she has recently been uncharacteristically quiet, after sacrificing her entire career to take on what she considered Trump’s treasonous behavior when she was one of only two Republican members of the nine-person January Sixth investigative committee.

Nor will she or her father act—as have other anti-Trump Republicans such as former Representative Adam Kinzinger or former Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan—as surrogates for the Harris campaign. They remain party loyalists, but the kind of loyalists who consider the GOP to have been hijacked by Trump, as a would-be dictator.

On announcing his decision to vote for Harris, Dick Cheney said this past week, “In our nation’s two hundred forty-eight-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” adding that, “He can never be trusted with power again.”

Cheney underscored his decision by saying, “We have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”

Trump - delusional authoritarian candidate

Cheney made his announcement against a backdrop in which Trump’s own pronouncements are becoming ever more authoritarian, dystopian and insane. For instance, while the Republican-Party-of-Trump candidate continues to waffle on the question of abortion in an attempt to dupe right-leaning independents into voting for him, he has nevertheless made it clear he would support a national ban—an issue on which Harris, at least among women, will likely take him to the cleaner’s. But that’s not the worst of it. He keeps repeating the MAGA conspiracy theory that Democrats want to allow abortion throughout the ninth month, or even that they will allow babies to be murdered after they are born. This is a flat and feverish lie, of course, and an utterly delusional idea. His backers in Vladimir Putin’s election-interference squad have used typical Russian propaganda to try and convince the most gullible among Trump’s supporters that these baby-killings are already, indeed, taking place, but that “nobody talks about it”, which is utterly absurd. But that hasn’t kept Trump from repeating Russian talking points.

Trump has also gone off the deep end with conspiracy theories about what immigration will be like under Harris—despite the fact that she supports increasing the Border Guards by fifteen hundred officers and turning back undocumented migrants at the border, and having drawn criticism from sectors of her own party by publicly warning unprocessed migrants not to come. According to another delusional Trump theory, espoused during a recent rally, “If I don’t win Colorado, it will be taken over by migrants and the governor will be sent fleeing.” He went on to say, “If you think you have a nice house, have a migrant enjoy your house, because a migrant will take it over. A migrant will take it over. It will be Venezuela on steroids.”

But his latest conspiracy theory, which he has repeated on the campaign trail, is even more certifiably insane. He is now claiming that children (“childs”, as he called them) are being subjected to gender-affirming surgeries at school (at school!!!) without their parents’ knowledge.

“Can you imagine,” Trump has said, “you're a parent and your son leaves the house, and you say, Jimmy, I love you so much, go have a good day at school, and your son comes back with a brutal operation. Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country?”

Speaking to the radical right-wing advocacy group Moms for Liberty, Trump said, “But the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child. And you know, many of these childs [sic] fifteen years later say, 'What the hell happened? Who did this to me?' They say, 'Who did this to me?' It's incredible.”

There is no way to stress enough just how off-the-wall all of this is, especially coming from a man who could end up with the nuclear codes. These dystopian fantasies of his are, in a word, batshit crazy.

And the madness doesn’t end there. Recently, Trump told a rally of people who identify as “Christian conservatives” that he needed for them to turn out and vote in this election, but adding, “I love you. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

Even coming from Donald Trump this seemed like a shockingly autocratic statement. So much so that the ever Trump-sympathetic Murdoch empire’s infotainment network, Fox News, called him on it. In an interview, one of Trump’s most slavish cheerleaders, Laura Ingraham, pointed out that Democrats were citing the quote as evidence that Trump would end elections if he returned to office. She called the Democrats’ claim “ridiculous” and sought to get Trump to backtrack on his statement. But he didn’t.

 “I said, vote for me, you’re not going to have to do it ever again. It’s true,” Trump reiterated. “Because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote. And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I’ll straighten out the country, you won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote.”

Ingraham tried again saying, more specifically, “It’s being interpreted, as you are not surprised to hear, by the left as, well, they’re never going to have another election. So can you even just respond…” But Trump cut her off and tried to change the subject, repeating again his (false) claim that Christians vote in small numbers. When she persisted, he repeated exactly what he had posited before, saying, “Don’t worry about the future. You have to vote on November fifth. After that, you don’t have to worry about voting anymore. I don’t care, because we’re going to fix it. The country will be fixed and we won’t even need your vote anymore, because frankly we will have such love, if you don’t want to vote anymore, that’s OK.”

It was a statement that those of us accustomed to covering dictators throughout the Americas, both past and present, have heard many times before. It’s part of the authoritarian playbook to tell the governed that things will be so good for them under the authoritarian government that nobody will ever even care again if there are elections or not—with the elliptical end of that sentence being, because there won’t be.

Following former Vice President Dick Cheney’s announcement that he was casting his vote for Harris, Trump responded by referring to Cheney as an “irrelevant RINO” (Republican in Name Only).

Wait…Really??? An irrelevant RINO? Dick Cheney?

Well, for anyone who doesn’t know him, meet Richard Bruce Cheney:

Born in 1941, Dick Cheney, at eighty-three, is the oldest living US vice president, having served as such for eight years under the administration of George W. Bush. But that came after a very long career as a key figure in the conservative far-right Republican camp. So much so that even moderate Republicans considered him “too far right.” He was, arguably, the most powerful VP in history, considered by some observers to be more of a “shadow president” since he was often seen as calling the shots in the Bush administration.

Cheney started his political career as an intern for US Representative William Steiger, who served in Congress from 1967 until his death in 1978. But already during the Nixon era (1969-1974), Cheney was working in the West Wing. After Nixon’s resignation, Cheney became White House chief of staff for Gerald Ford. He then served from 1979 to 1989 as US representative for Wyoming. Before serving as vice president to George W. Bush, he was appointed secretary of defense by Bush’s father, George H.W. Bush from 1989 to 1973, during which time he oversaw the US invasion of Panama (Operation Just Cause), and the Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm).

Under the younger Bush, Cheney came into his own as one of the Republican Party’s most powerful players. After 911, he was instrumental in expanding the powers of the presidency, and in advocating for exceptional intelligence-gathering methods in the War on Terror, of which he was an architect. These included secret wiretaps, enhanced interrogation (torture), waterboarding as standard practice, and removal of terrorist suspects from the normal judicial system, suspending their civil rights. This allowed, as in dictatorships, anyone dubbed a terrorist to be held, without formal charges, at the disposal of the Executive Branch.

Cheney was also among the earliest proponents of invading Iraq on what would, for the most part, turn out to be false pretenses. As such, he was also a chief architect of the Iraq War, which later expanded into the Middle East War, basically a US war of aggression on the Middle East.  

The extent of his power in government was underscored by his public disagreement with Bush over same-sex marriage. Bush originally endorsed civil unions between people of the same sex. Cheney openly and publicly disagreed with him and backed amended legislation to ban same-sex marriage. It is telling that Bush later the same year (2004) lent his support to the ban. This was unlikely to have surprised Washington insiders, however, since many of them reported that few if any administration decisions were made without Cheney’s okay.

Liz and Dick Cheney, lone Republicans at J-6 observance
In short, Cheney is the sort of far-right Republican that liberal Democrats love to hate. Indeed, many of the policies that would have his full-throated approval are precisely of the sort that would normally appeal to the MAGA base. Furthermore, his daughter is very much of his same bent, and during the four years that Trump was president and Liz Cheney was a representative, she voted in lockstep with Trump policies ninety-three percent of the time.

So, in other words, what has led both Liz Cheney and, now, her father, to write Trump off as what Liz calls an “unrecoverable catastrophe” has little to do with government policy and everything to do with Trump’s dictatorial designs. Both Cheneys have been done with him since January Sixth, 2021. That was the deal-breaker, as was his refusal to concede defeat and maintain the two-and-a-half-century democratic tradition of the peaceful transfer of power.

That is to say, no matter how far to the right father and daughter might be, they are, nevertheless, patriots, who believe in representative democracy, and in their oaths to defend the Constitution and the Nation against all enemies both foreign and domestic. And they see Trump in the same way I and many other small-d democrats do, as a clear and present danger to democracy and to the survival of the Nation. Or, as Liz Cheney succinctly put it in a recent interview, "We see it on a daily basis, somebody (Trump) who was willing to use violence in order to attempt to seize power, to stay in power, someone who represents unrecoverable catastrophe, frankly, in my view, and we have to do everything possible to ensure that he's not reelected."

All I can say is, “Amen.”  


Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 For the past fifty-two years, Joe Biden has distanced himself from other politicians in taking the moral high ground at the service of his country and democracy. Elected to the Senate when he was barely thirty, his long political career has been bookended by personal tragedy—the deaths in 1972 of his first wife Neilia and their infant daughter Naomi in a car crash a month after he became a senator, and the death of his rising-star politician son Beau of brain cancer in 2015, when, as the incumbent vice president, Joe Biden was first considering running for the presidency—a dream quashed not only by his son’s tragic death but also by a call from then-President Obama for him to stand down in deference to Hillary Clinton.

In both cases, Biden put country over self, overcame his own immense personal sorrow, and concentrated on how best to serve his country. Biden has been, over the years, the embodiment of John F. Kennedy’s dictum: “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” In the first case, the junior senator became famous for commuting by train between his home in Delaware and his job in Washington as a means of taking care of both the business of government and his duties to his two surviving and motherless children, Beau and Hunter. In the second, he put aside his grief and the sting of his former boss’s having passed him over in favor of Clinton, and threw his hat into the ring for the presidency in the 2020 election, with the well-placed conviction that he and his long experience in government would be sufficient for him to defeat Donald Trump after Hillary Clinton lost her bid to do the same in 2016.

In hindsight, had Obama thrown his support behind his vice president in 2016, perhaps this would have been President Biden’s second term in office rather than his first, and we would not have had to witness the chaos and disarray into which the political arena has been thrown by questions regarding his age, health and suitability for continuing as president. More importantly, perhaps Donald Trump would have been a mere flash in the pan and the US would not have had to endure the dire consequences of his narcissistic, authoritarian machinations and his clear and present threats to democracy. But we’ll never know. Maybe, however, this is part of the reason that former President Obama is being so circumspect this time around.

Once again, this past weekend, we saw President Joe Biden put his country and party before his own personal wishes and goals. Despite his burning desire to remain in office for another four years and continue the job he had started, as well as staving off the unmistakable threat to democracy of another Trump presidency, he faced the hard and painful fact that he had, because of his age and failing acuity, lost the confidence of many Democratic voters and Independents, as well as of many of even his staunchest supporters within the party itself. In light of this, he seems to have clearly seen that his continued candidacy might well bring another victory for Trump and end up being the death knell for American democracy as we know it. As such, he last Sunday withdrew his bid for a second term and threw his full support behind his vice president, Kamala Harris.

While Harris has been something of an enigma and, for some, a disappointment as vice president, one could make the case that she is largely misunderstood. The vice president is a politically savvy person of truly superior intelligence, as she has clearly shown throughout her political career in California—both as a firebrand prosecutor and as state attorney general—and as a Senator for that state. Personally, I see her as a very sharp and capable poker player as well. 

A case in point. During the presidential primary debates for the 2020 election, as Joe Biden’s rival on the debate stage, she did the unthinkable and challenged him on his stellar record as a civil rights activist. She made it personal as well as political. Harris challenged Biden, saying that she wanted to make a point on “the issue of race.” She then prefaced her remarks by saying that she didn’t believe him to be a racist, but quickly went on to criticize him for making “very hurtful” statements about how he had worked with segregationist senators in opposition during the nineteen-seventies and eighties to a federal busing mandate.

Biden had made his comments in the context of his being someone who knew how to work across the aisle in Congress as a means to an end, even when in general disagreement with the other lawmakers’ politics. But Harris demonstrated that politics were about more than policy victories. They had real consequences that affected real people. And to bring the point home, she said, “There was a little girl in California who was a part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.”

The statement caught Biden off guard and forced him into a half-truth when he countered saying his stance was being mischaracterized, adding that, “I did not oppose busing in America. What I opposed is busing ordered by the Department of Education.” In the days that followed, the statement was fact-checked repeatedly and found to be false. In point of fact, the record showed that Senator Biden had been a staunch opponent of busing on principle, and not simply when ordered by the federal government. The exchange had served Harris well and showed her to be a force to be reckoned with.

Had Biden and Harris been different people than they were, it could have ended there, with Harris returning to the Senate and Biden going on to be president of the United States. Instead, however, it seems clear that Biden respected Harris for challenging his largely deserved record as a champion of civil rights and highly likely also felt it was better to have her in his corner than as a challenger. Or perhaps he felt the best way to heal the blow she had dealt him on race relations was to choose her—a highly capable woman of color—to be his running mate—the first woman, the first black and the first Asian in history to ascend to the vice presidency of the United States. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that Biden chose her because she was the most capable to serve in the post. The points he gained in race relations and ethnicity issues were an added perk, and it turned out to be a match made in heaven.

Of course, all of that is anathema to the openly racist and sexist MAGA Republican leadership. Just forty-eight hours after Joe Biden withdrew from the race and threw all of his support behind the vice president, Harris has come under both racist and sexist attacks. The GOP dog whistle for these attacks as voiced by Texas Republican Senator Chip Roy, for instance, is DEI. Many of us would have to rush to the Urban Dictionary to even know what the initials stood for—diversity, equity, and inclusion. Used in the best sense of the term, DEI refers to policies which seek to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, particularly groups who have historically been underrepresented or subject to discrimination on the basis of identity or disability. But in the mouths of MAGA racists like Roy, it becomes a racist and sexist epithet.

Tennessee GOP Representative Tim Burchett got even uglier a day after Biden backed the VP, not only calling her “a DEI hire”, but also recalling that President Biden had said he would pick a black woman as his running mate and wondering aloud, “What about white females? What about any other group?” This could no longer be referred to as a “dog whistle”. This was venturing to say the blatant racist part out loud. And by mentioning white “females”, he was also seeking to lower the status of women to their gender identity rather than seeing them as persons or individuals of equal weight in government and all other walks of life.

On X, Burchett tweeted: “The incompetency level is at an all-time high in Washington. The media propped up this president, lied to the American people for three years, and then dumped him for our DEI vice president.”

Doubling down when questioned by CNN’s Manu Raju, he said, “Biden said he’s gonna hire a Black female for vice president. What about white females? What about any other group? When you go down that route, you take mediocrity and that’s what they have right now as a vice president.” He reiterated on questioning by Raju that he believed Kamala Harris to be, basically, a token black as vice president, saying, “One hundred percent she was a DEI hire.”

Ex-president Donald Trump himself piled on at his Doral Golf Club in Florida, saying that “If Joe had picked someone halfway competent, they would have bounced him from office years ago. But they can’t because she’s their second choice.”

There is really no way to see any of this as any less shocking and egregious than it clearly is. But the impropriety of this sort of racist and sexist talk is rendered even more ironic and hypocritical considering that Trump’s own pick for the VP slot, J.D. Vance, has all of about five minutes of political experience. And his only claim to fame is of having been a failed hedge fund manager and having written a book about his hillbilly upbringing that caught on and became a bestseller. Somewhere along the line, he met up with far-right-wing tech-billionaire Peter Thiel, who became his political mentor and financial backer, and the rest is history—five minutes of history.

Trump clearly picked Vance because he was sure to appeal to the former president’s far-right, white, evangelical base, not because of any political or technical skill sets he brought to the table. So questioning the current vice president’s political background and acumen seems quite rich coming from Trump, whose own pick is so incredibly incompetent to serve. Especially if the Trump ticket should win the election only to have something happen to Trump while in office that requires his vice president to stand in for him. If Trump was, is and always will be a government outsider who plays everything by ear and based on his gut, Vance is a total novice, who basically hasn’t the slightest idea how the world works.

It seems that in the ever more authoritarianized and dominant MAGA wing of the GOP,  Vice President Harris’s career as a renowned, high-profile prosecutor, as the attorney general of the most populous and most politically and economically powerful state in the union, as a senator for that state, and as vice president to a man who has had one of the longest and most storied careers in American politics are insufficient credentials to keep the Alt-Right from characterizing her as anything but “a black female” and “a DEI hire.” Fortunately, Harris’s stellar education, long political experience, maturity, poise, ethics and intelligence are far more than enough to render such characterizations ridiculous. This is especially true considering the incredibly dubious credentials of the two men she and her ticket-mate will be running against—one a convicted felon and insurrectionist, and the other an absolute newbie in the world of politics.

In short, a prosecutor running against a criminal should make for an interesting election.

Contrary to what many critics have suggested, Harris has also played her cards incredibly well and close to her vest as vice president. She has been there in whatever capacity the president has needed her to be, offering her intelligence, experience and hard work to help find solutions to problems the administration has sought to remedy. The rest of the time she has been a friend and close collaborator to the president, a sounding board for his ideas, treating him with utmost respect, and doing her job without ever seeking to second-guess or overshadow the office Biden holds.

In her role as vice president, she has taken a major political risk by taking charge of anything the president pushed her way. Thus, she found herself overseeing the thorny issues of COVID response, voting rights, women’s reproductive rights and civil rights in general. She was also handed the explosive package of issues surrounding the border crisis. This is the issue on which the GOP is now seeking to hammer her, despite the fact that, thanks to actions taken by the Biden administration, border crossings are significantly lower than previous highs. Furthermore, the GOP is seeking to saddle Harris with the blame for continuing difficulties at the Mexican border, when the remaining crisis is largely of the Republicans’ own doing. That is to say, Donald Trump’s doing.

It is public knowledge that the Biden administration—to a large extent thanks to the brokering efforts of Kamala Harris—managed to cobble together an historic bipartisan legislative package to effectively deal with the border crisis. But that deal never made it into law for one simple reason. Donald Trump kicked over the negotiating table, badgering his MAGA lawmakers into backing the GOP away from the deal. He made no bones about the fact that such a deal could very well prove successful, and he didn’t want to “give” that sort of win to the Biden administration, basically telling GOP lawmakers to hold off until he was president again so he could take the victory lap for a border security package created through the efforts of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the most reasonable lawmakers in the GOP.   

Most important of all, however, has been the ethical capital that Harris has displayed as VP. She has shown unbending loyalty to the president throughout recent months in which he has been increasingly criticized for what people on both sides of the aisle have seen as his failing physical strength and mental acuity. No matter how politically devastating the attacks have been, the presidency and vice-presidency have demonstrated a monolithic front against all comers. In other words, despite having a shot at the presidency within her grasp, Harris has shown herself to be of the highest political and ethical pedigree, a person of honor and loyalty despite her soaring political and intellectual acumen, and her clear desire to serve as president of the United States.

That said, however, she also has been savvy enough to have her ducks in a row if called upon to serve, and within twenty-four hours of President Biden’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 race, she had consolidated overwhelming support among nearly all major figures in the Democratic Party and had garnered such incredible grassroots support that her campaign raised an all-time record eighty million dollars in a single day. This stupendous show of support has left Democrats who were pushing for a “mini-primary” dangling, with their feet kicking in the air. And it has rendered utterly ridiculous and caricaturesque the tentative challenge by Independent (quasi-Republican) Senator Joe Machin, who said he might re-register as a Democrat and go head-to-head with Harris, whom he considers “far-left”, which just goes to show how extremely far-right he is, despite presuming to call himself a centrist.

Sadder still was Manchin’s apparent ignorance of the fact that this election has become one in which age has loomed as a major issue, with the vast majority of Americans—and especially America’s youth—feeling discouraged that they were once again being given a binary boomer choice between two men who would either be, or would become, octogenarians while in office. Joe Manchin, who will turn seventy-seven next month, falls squarely within this rejected profile as well. This also casts a funereal pall over the third-party bid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., himself a septuagenarian, much of whose momentum has been based on the otherwise unsavory choice between Trump and Biden, especially since RFK Jr.’s campaign sounds basically like MAGA without Trump.

In the end, after months in which the shadow of an election where—despite President Biden’s extraordinary service to the country—the best voters could hope for was “the lesser of two evils,” Americans have been in a somber and hopeless mood. But with the arrival of Kamala Harris on the electoral scene, the clouds have suddenly started to lift for both Democrats and a large segment of independent voters. The political scene is being very quickly injected with a new dose of energy and promise. There is now a very genuine choice between more of the chaotic, hate-filled Trump era that we know will just be more of the same, and a new political energy led by a mature and experienced, yet still young and dynamic presidential candidate whose entire career has been devoted to democracy and the rule of law.

Suddenly, Donald Trump is the only grumpy ol’ man in the race. And MAGA’s barrage of open insults, racism and sexism demonstrates just how suddenly off-kilter and desperate they are.   


Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 Be honest. Did you really think Aileen Cannon would try Donald Trump for the treasonous act of stealing and potentially leaking hundreds of highly sensitive classified documents? The same Judge Cannon who had given him an earlier pass so controversial that jurists across the nation called for her removal. The same Aileen Cannon whom Trump appointed as a federal judge despite her stunning lack of credentials. The Judge Cannon whose loyalty to Trump was so obvious as to be considered prejudicial by numerous respected attorneys and law professors. The Aileen Cannon who for twenty years has been a member of the Federalist Society, a radically libertarian organization reported to have handed Trump the list of justices that he would name to the Supreme Court durimg his presidency. 

Did anybody really believe justice and the American people would be served in Judge Aileen Cannon's Florida courtroom? How on earth could we have been so ridiculously naïve?

The fix was in from the get-go.

Friday, July 12, 2024


President Joe be or not to be
 Award-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore succinctly said this week what I’ve been trying to tell people, ever since President Biden short-circuited during the first—and very likely last—presidential debate with former president (and convicted felon) Donald Trump. Namely, that President Biden’s wife and his inner-circle of aides are not doing him (or democracy) any favors by pushing him to run again when he is very apparently no longer in any shape to do so.

Okay, let me preface any further remarks with this: As long as the Republicans’ opposition candidate to the incumbent president remains Donald J. Trump—court-confirmed sexual predator, thirty-four-count felon, and the man who sought to overthrow the government and remain in power as an ad hoc ruler—the only option open to anyone who gives a damn about the future of American democracy will be the man or woman running against him. The salient point of this upcoming election isn’t a choice between candidates. It is a choice between democracy and authoritarian rule. (I defy you to read Project 2025—aka Agenda 47—and tell me I’m wrong).

The truth is, if President Joe Biden remains the candidate for 2024, he is all we’ve got. Perhaps he’ll surprise us all by proving to be an even better leader in his second term than in his first, since he’ll no longer be distracted by the perpetual campaign cycle which is, unfortunately, part and parcel of the contemporary political scene. But even if he isn’t, let me make this clear as my unwavering stance: Joe Biden spark-shower short-circuited is a better president than a seditious and felonious Donald Trump and his band of neo-fascists. In fact, Joe Biden in a coma is better than the unspeakable alternative. 

For any true patriot, any person who cares about preserving the two-and-a-half-century democratic traditions of the United States of America, Donald Trump is simply not a viable alternative. On the contrary, he is a clear and present danger to American democracy. If you don’t believe me, read Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, or watch the excellent TV series of the same name, and then read the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. Atwood couldn’t have written Agenda 47 better (or worse, as it were). In fact, it’s almost as if the Heritage Foundation had used Atwood’s novel as a blueprint for the kind of dystopian, post-democratic world they wish to create.

That said, however, Mike Moore, typically, with much less diplomacy than I or anyone else has applied, is telling it like it is. In an interview on MSNBC, Moore said, “The problem here is that I think there’s a form of elder abuse going on here, where the Democratic Party and the people that are part of the apparatus are pushing and pushing and pushing him (Biden) to stay.”  Moore, who himself is seventy, expanded on the image of “elder abuse”, saying that “watching the debate…was heartbreaking.” He went on to say, “Imagine that was your father up there…Why isn’t anybody doing anything? Why did they do it? Why did they even let him go out on the stage in this condition? Who was looking out for him? Who’s looking out for him right now?”

These are all questions I’ve been asking myself as well. There are many, myself included, who are being perceived as attacking the president over his disastrous debate performance, when what we are instead asking is if the president was in the shape he was in, why on earth did his campaign team, his closest aides, and indeed the first lady, not say he was too ill to go on, and simply cancel or postpone the event? Putting the party’s campaign ahead of the president’s health and welfare is precisely how we got into this mess in the first place, and it has been a disservice to both the president and to the Democratic presidential campaign. So it is the campaign and the party that are to blame. Not the president, who, through no fault of his own, was in no condition to totter out onto that stage.

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore
And instead of fessing up and doing damage control, his aides continue to double down. Or, failing that, to shut down the dialogue, telling everyone that the debate’s over, it was no big deal, nothing to see here, now move the hell on. But it was a big deal. The dialogue is going to go on whether they like it or not. Not because the press is talking about it, but because the voters and the international community are. And that’s scaring the bejesus out of a lot of the down-ballot candidates and world leaders alike. The down-ballot Democrats because their political survival may depend on it. World leaders because, if Trump should win again, their literal survival will be at risk.

The NATO allies view with horror a second Trump presidency. It nearly sank NATO the first time around, and now after three and a half years of working with Biden to rebuild that seventy-five-year-old alliance that Trump so undermined, they hear the former president saying that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin should do “whatever the hell he wants to” in Ukraine. European leaders don’t believe Putin will stop with Ukraine. So hearing that, they can only see Trump 2.0 as not only a threat to American democracy, but to a free and democratic Europe as well.

In that sense, President Biden made a miraculous comeback from the debate episode when he this past week hosted the annual NATO conference, this time in Washington. By all accounts, the president was on his game, greeting world leaders, holding talks on Ukraine, and handling other weighty topics with knowledge and aplomb. This was President Biden in his element, since there has probably been no other president in living memory with such an intimate working knowledge of international affairs. But even at his current best, there was a glaring disconnect when he spoke of the courage of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky in resisting Russian invasion, and then introduced him to the conference as “President Putin”.

I watched the president’s post-NATO summit press conference last evening. As I did, I think I probably felt like many other viewers who have long admired President Biden, based on his half-century in government and lawmaking, and think of him as the leader who stopped Donald Trump and saved American democracy from dissolution. That is to say, I found myself agitated and sitting on the edge of my seat, hoping with all my heart that he would be able to show the country and the world that the issues that affected him at the debate were merely the product of overwork and exhaustion, not of any permanent cognitive failing.

The other feeling that I had was one of growing irritation that the president was having to field question after question regarding his fitness to continue serving for another four years, when the man he is running against is a morally bankrupt, grossly perverse, criminally unfit insurrectionist with a now well-documented authoritarian agenda for the future of the United States. I was thinking that President Biden was doing well, sounding strong and confident, despite knowing that his debate performance has placed him under a magnifying glass.

The president worked so hard to allay all of the concerns that have swirled about him since the debate, and did such a good job at it, that there was a moment when I asked myself if we hadn’t all just panicked and made a mountain out of a molehill. But then it happened. In answer to a query about whether he was confident in Vice President Harris’s ability to lead the country if, for some reason, he couldn’t. "Look,” the president responded, “I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if she was not qualified to be president.”

As a veteran newsman, I knew that the press would jump on such a short circuit with both feet. It was what everyone was waiting for as they listened, reconfirmation of their growing suspicions that Biden’s mind was indeed addled. I wasn’t wrong. The gaffe has been in headlines all day today.  But they weren’t wrong either. The error went right by the president. He never caught himself, never self-corrected. To their credit, the reporters who asked the President about his mental health afterwards, never mentioned the fact that, right there, while he was defending his fitness to serve, he had called his own vice president by his bitter rival’s surname.

Perhaps this gaffe wouldn’t have been quite as noticeable if it hadn’t followed another crossed-wire incident earlier in the week. I’m referring to when, in an interview with Philadelphia-based WURD Radio anchor Andrea Lawful-Sanders the president said, “By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president.” Obviously, he meant that he had been the VP of the first black president and that he was the first president to appoint a black woman as his running mate and vice president. But it came out as a brain salad.

Leaving that aspect aside for a moment, however, those of us who are capable of looking at this from a human as well as political viewpoint are heartbroken to see how a man with an admirable and uncommon half-century political career, who preceded his own term in the Oval Office with an eight-year stint as vice president to one of the most popular leaders in US history, is being politically manhandled, humiliated and raked over the coals, essentially, for being unwell, instead of being placed under the care of the elite teams of physicians that, as president, he has at his disposal.

Unfortunately, these meltdowns didn’t take place in the privacy of President Biden’s own home in Wilmington, Delaware. They happened in the homes of many millions of Americans. And no one with any experience in these matters believes that his shocking debate performance was a one-off, or “a bad night”, as the campaign is spinning it. Rather, to anyone who has known someone who has suffered through such old-age problems is bound to feel that it is likely only one in a series of frightening moments.

Bernie Sanders
As Mike Moore said in the interview with MSNBC, “Something was wrong that night. We all saw it. We can’t unsee it. And as Richard Pryor and before that, Chico Marx said, ‘Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes?' My eyes weren’t lying, and yours weren’t either.”

Like Moore, I don’t believe age alone is a disqualifying factor. There are people whose mental acuity and physical resilience continue to be more than acceptable at the president’s age. For instance, anyone seeing and hearing Vermont’s Independent Senator Bernie Sanders—Biden’s most successful liberal contender for the presidency and later staunch supporter—would still have trouble making a case that he is too old to remain in politics, despite the fact that he is eighty-two. But by the time one reaches, as I myself have, one’s mid to late seventies, continuing to function like a well-oil machine becomes less and less of a certainty. It becomes the thing you fear.

Still, there are incredible cases, like that of renowned linguist, philosopher, sociologist and democratic activist Noam Chomsky who, at least until a very recent stroke, continued to have one of the most brilliant minds in America, even into his nineties. I’m thinking too of renowned newsman Robert Cox, the man who was my mentor when I started out in journalism fifty years ago this year, and who, at a lucid ninety, continues to travel internationally and to accept public speaking engagements and TV interviews in his second language. But these tend to be admirable and enviable exceptions to the rule.

As usual, Michael Moore has jabbed his finger into a gaping open sore that many others are trying hard to ignore. That’s what he does. He tells “the awful truth”—which was the name of his riveting and sometimes hilarious investigative TV show on the Bravo Network, prior to the fame he has accrued as a brilliant documentary film-maker. The truths that most people would rather not hear, he tells and demonstrates in such a way that, like a train wreck you can’t turn away from despite your best efforts, he forces you to face “the awful truth”. 

While some people close to President Biden, including First Lady Jill Biden, might see as traitors the—up to now—seventeen Democrat members of Congress who have openly asked the president to step down, or other highly influential Democrats like former President Barack Obama or retired House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who are reportedly discussing the issue in private. But they are not. Most of them have both the well-being of the president and the well-being of the nation in mind.

In the end, the most patriotic mission that the president has right now is to ensure that Donald Trump never again sets foot in the White House. And if that means stepping down and handing over the mantel to a more viable candidate, then that is clearly what he needs to do.